Mortgage & Protection Fact-Find

Documents Upload

Documents & ID Proof Upload

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Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.

Property Loan Fact Find

This will take approximately 20 minutes to complete, you will be asked to upload proof of address and id and other documents, please ensure these are on your phone or laptop while applying.

Protection Fact Find

If you want to apply only for protection products, Please click the link below.

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Property Loan Fact Find

Date Complete

Contact Details

Full Name
Date of Birth
Permanent Right to Reside?
Marital Status
Has Name Changed in Last 3 Years
Are you a Smoker
Will You Be Residing In The Property

Currenct Status

Current Living
Current Residence Date Moved In
Select the date you moved into your current residence.
Provide previous address and your residential status. i.e Home Owner, Renting etc.
Date Moved In (Previous Residence)
If your moved in less than 3 years ago, select the date you moved into the last place.
Are you on the electoral roll?
Would you like to speak to someone regarding your Investments or Pensions?
Are you a member of a workplace pension?
Do You have a private pension in place?
Current Employment Status
Date commenced current employment/self-employment
Select the date commenced current employment
Are you in a probationary period?
Including Gross Income, Basic Income, Regular Bonus/Overtime.
Enter Preferred Retirement Age
Provide Net monthly income.
Enter Account Number and the Sort Code

Statement Of Assets & Liabilities

Property Owned

Purchase Date
Do you have another Property?

Credit Cards/Store Cards

Do you have another Credit / Store Card

Loans/Credit Commitments/HP

Do you have another Loan/Credit Commitments/HP

Student Loans

Adverse Credit?
Missed Payments


Even if you are not on one now, If this was in the last 12 months please provide details
Enter the amount of Mortgage or Rent.
Type of Loans
Date of Purchase
Terms Applicable
Is property purpose built or converted?
Do you have a solicitor in mind that you wish to use?

We will require the following documents and will not be able to proceed with placing an application to obtain your Mortgage Offer unless these items are provided

An anti-money laundering search will be carried out via an electronic ID system prior to us proceeding with submitting an application for you.

Protection Fact Find

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Are you looking for single join cover ?

Type of Cover Required ?
Is a Power of Attorney in place?

Contact Details

Date of will(s)

An anti-money laundering search will be carried out via an electronic ID system prior to us proceeding with submitting an application for you.

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